STREAD Advantage

The advantages that STREAD packs in every search assignment and resourcing engagement could have far-reaching benefits for our clients organization.


For every candidate that STREAD bring to the table, at stake is the reputation that our search consultants have built up through the years.  We exercise extreme caution and put in safeguarding processes in ensuring that we only consider executives who are of proven and steadfast probity. STREAD holds the belief that  integrity comes before even the most exemplary talent. 


We search for candidates that are not only suited for the current job requirement but also posses the necessary qualities to progress their careers organically and contribute to the growth of the company over the long haul.


In the digital age competencies transforms rapidly in catching up with the relentless technological advance. Well-established knowledge and vaunted experience become obsolescent much faster than ever. Key to keeping a workforce attuned to demands of the times and the dynamic business environment is its adaptability of each leader and employee to face these challenges.  At STREAD we are keenly aware of this fact and our vetting process puts a premium on candidates who posses demonstrable capability to manage and adapt to changes.